"The Chess Game" Video

Hey everyone! This is a video that I filmed and edited last week for the sermon yesterday at First Baptist Church of Eugene. It's starring Jeff Weinkauf and Sandy Silverthorne. It was scripted and produced by Dave Weinkauf for his sermon. I did all the tech work.

Technical Details

Lighting: Shop lights with normal tungsten colored flood lamps for face light, and some day light florescent bulbs for highlights. This was kinda last minute, so we didn't get the best products for the job.

Cameras: I used two Sony PD-170 cameras

Audio: Detached each of the shotgun microphones and placed them just above the frame of the video. Each camera has it's own microphone going to the camera with the actors face.

Edited: Using Adobe Premiere Pro CS4.

...all in a day's work! :-)

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