Graphics Everywhere!

We Are Spartan!
Who ever said that work couldn’t be fun, was lying to me. I have finally found my niche in the work atmosphere working here at First Baptist Church of Eugene. For those who haven’t heard, I am working at the church doing graphic design, photography, tech, media, sound engineering, and team building. I keep my creative juices flowing all week long.

What about my photography?

No. I haven’t put my photography on the back burner. I have just been redefining who I am as a photographer. Before: I was taking on all sorts of jobs, from weddings, senior photos, and more. I was sacrificing creativity for money. Is that really a good idea? After much thought, and a new job, I decided that I am going to focus more on what I enjoy as a photographer. I needed boundaries for me to continue to enjoy photography. I am now focusing on what I enjoy doing as a photographer, and only accepting jobs that I enjoy. It has been better, but most definitely slower. I am not in it for the money anymore.

Slower isn’t a problem, it’s a blessing!

Since I work full time in a creative atmosphere, my photography isn’t slacking at all. I am always digging around in the usual Adobe applications such as Photoshop, InDesign, Lightroom, Premiere and eventually Illustrator (Mostly Photoshop, messing around with typography and textures). I have really been able to take my photography to a unique new level, because of my better understanding of these great Adobe applications!

So, how does this apply to you?

Well, you are sitting here reading this now. So, apparently this might have SOME value to you. I am hoping that you see the value behind my focus in photography. I also am realizing that I need to update my blog more often, and try to figure out how to get a more updated (and more professional) web page up to display my artwork. I am also hoping that if you are a photographer that you’ll see the value in focusing on what you enjoy, instead of the money.

Art (music especially) has been directed in the direction of “what makes money” instead of “What makes you happy.” Don’t do it for the money, do it for the LOVE of what you are passionate about!

(Unless, you need to pay rent or something)