Updated My Blog To WordPress

Updated to WordPress! New URL is --> willfoster.info/blog and brought my blog home.

I wanted to host my blog, since i had the space, and WordPress was looking pretty useful! Anyway, if you found this link through somewhere, can you update it to the new link? :-) Thanks!

"The Chess Game" Video

Hey everyone! This is a video that I filmed and edited last week for the sermon yesterday at First Baptist Church of Eugene. It's starring Jeff Weinkauf and Sandy Silverthorne. It was scripted and produced by Dave Weinkauf for his sermon. I did all the tech work.

Technical Details

Lighting: Shop lights with normal tungsten colored flood lamps for face light, and some day light florescent bulbs for highlights. This was kinda last minute, so we didn't get the best products for the job.

Cameras: I used two Sony PD-170 cameras

Audio: Detached each of the shotgun microphones and placed them just above the frame of the video. Each camera has it's own microphone going to the camera with the actors face.

Edited: Using Adobe Premiere Pro CS4.

...all in a day's work! :-)

Caitlin Photo Shoot

"Caitlin | The Road At Dusk" by Will Foster
Just uploaded this photo to Flickr. Trying to edit at least 1 photo a day relating to photo shoots, and such. Caitlin and I did this photo shoot one week ago, on July 16. I need to improve on my work flow, and motivation to get projects like this completed.

On a side note: I am working on re-releasing my Facebook Page for my photography (renamed to: Will Foster Photography) because Facebook doesn't allow you to change the names of Pages. Unfortunately, my current fan page is called "Photography by Will Foster" which i haven't gone by for years. I will be starting over from 224 fans, back down to 0.

Also, I am waiting for my new camera to come in the mail. Scheduled delivery (if it continues to be on schedule) is Monday July 27. Decided to go with the Canon 5d Mark II and the 24-70mm f/2.8L. It should be a great amount of fun.

Editing these Caitlin photos remind me of how much I actually enjoy photography, and just how much I have forgotten about it. Well, I should get to sleep so I can be more aware for my long day at work tomorrow! Good night world!

Is a Camera an Investment?

I am faced with another personal challenge. I would like your opinion. As you may know, I am a photographer without a camera, but I am not in debt. Which is more important? My question for myself is do I want to focus on my photography more? Or wait 1 to 2 years of saving before I step back into photography again?

I absolutely miss being able to go out and do a photo shoot or just do photography anytime I want. I consider myself a photographer, but how can I be a photographer without taking ANY photographs?

If I want to put focus on my photography. I would want to get a camera better or equal to my previous gear. I was a Nikon guy shooting with a D300, a great camera. I had a few lenses, but I kept my wide angle lens on my camera 90% of the time.

I sold all of my Nikon gear to move back over to Canon. No specific reason, except to please my friends, and be able to borrow lenses from my friends. To me, it will save me money in the long run, and I should essentially end up with new and better, and less gear than what I had before.

I am currently out of debt, and I am content with life, but if I save it will take me about 2 years saving $250 a month. Is that too long to wait for the camera I want? I could just get a cheaper camera, and save some money and stay out of debt until I can bring in some money with photography. I guess that would be a good idea too. But, if I want to take photography seriously, shouldn't I get some serious equipment?

The camera I want (Canon 5D Mark II) versus a cheaper camera. The benefits to the 5D would be the video, and the 21MP sensor. If I was to get involved with fine art photography, the sensor would be amazing for print. Especially large prints! But, a cheaper Canon 40D would save me thousands, wouldn't be able to do 1080p HD video, has a small sensor (1.6 crop), and less megapixels by half. Sure. I could make great use of it. Eventually it would be nice to have a backup camera, but with a full size sensor would be best.

I have no money saved so far for a new camera. Its hard to make money in photography without a camera. I have a full time job, but a have a lot of free time in the evenings and weekend. I could spend just under $2000 with a more consumer camera, or around $4000 for exactly what I want. I have to my name access to money through the credit union to all the money I need, with a 7.5% APR. So about $20 a month?

So this is what I am thinking through these days. Am I ready to take my photography to the next level? Should I be a photographer at all? Or just make it more of a hobby? Is it a risk to go full out? Or could I raise $200 a month with photography?

It just might be time to take it to A WHOLE 'NOTHER LEVEL! Or... Just a normal camera... :-)

Decisions: Zenfolio vs. SmugMug

I am faced with a big decision to make in the next few days. I need to figure out which is a better location for me to serve my clients. Both of the main competitors have great advantages and disadvantages. And I am curious to hear your thoughts...

This service has always intrigued me, and it is $50 cheaper than SmugMug at $100/Year.


I've been using SmugMug for the last few years, and they have provided great services and support. It's services cost $150/Year.

or... maybe you have a better solution?

Decisions... Decisions... Why must it be so difficult?


"Beautiful" by Will Foster
A photo from a photo shoot a few months back. Should have uploaded this one sooner, because it was my favorite from the photo shoot!

Featuring the beautiful Janie Smith (She's on Model Mayhem, but i don't remember her id#)

I unfortunately don't remember the lighting setup. I think there was an umbrella in front of her (camera bottom) and a bare tungsten colored bare flash (camera top). I am shooting straight down. This was one of the last photos I took with my Nikon D300 before selling it.

Redeem The Arts: Promotional Video

Redeem The Arts: Promotional Video
Originally uploaded by Will Foster

This is a video I created to advertise a ministry at First Baptist Church of Eugene. The church had asked the congregation to create artwork inspired by the current sermon series, going through the "Book of Acts."

This video showcases just the artwork that has been submitted so far. Hopefully this will inspire more people to be creative with artwork, and submit more.

Graphics Everywhere!

We Are Spartan!
Who ever said that work couldn’t be fun, was lying to me. I have finally found my niche in the work atmosphere working here at First Baptist Church of Eugene. For those who haven’t heard, I am working at the church doing graphic design, photography, tech, media, sound engineering, and team building. I keep my creative juices flowing all week long.

What about my photography?

No. I haven’t put my photography on the back burner. I have just been redefining who I am as a photographer. Before: I was taking on all sorts of jobs, from weddings, senior photos, and more. I was sacrificing creativity for money. Is that really a good idea? After much thought, and a new job, I decided that I am going to focus more on what I enjoy as a photographer. I needed boundaries for me to continue to enjoy photography. I am now focusing on what I enjoy doing as a photographer, and only accepting jobs that I enjoy. It has been better, but most definitely slower. I am not in it for the money anymore.

Slower isn’t a problem, it’s a blessing!

Since I work full time in a creative atmosphere, my photography isn’t slacking at all. I am always digging around in the usual Adobe applications such as Photoshop, InDesign, Lightroom, Premiere and eventually Illustrator (Mostly Photoshop, messing around with typography and textures). I have really been able to take my photography to a unique new level, because of my better understanding of these great Adobe applications!

So, how does this apply to you?

Well, you are sitting here reading this now. So, apparently this might have SOME value to you. I am hoping that you see the value behind my focus in photography. I also am realizing that I need to update my blog more often, and try to figure out how to get a more updated (and more professional) web page up to display my artwork. I am also hoping that if you are a photographer that you’ll see the value in focusing on what you enjoy, instead of the money.

Art (music especially) has been directed in the direction of “what makes money” instead of “What makes you happy.” Don’t do it for the money, do it for the LOVE of what you are passionate about!

(Unless, you need to pay rent or something)